
Kidsdance für Volkschulkinder

Let's get things moving in the Gleis//Garten 💃

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Welcome to Kidsdance for elementary school children,

Here, your little dancers aged 6-10 can discover their joy in movement and dance. Our program is about playfully strengthening their motor skills and promoting their self-confidence.

With age-appropriate choreographies and music, children are encouraged to express themselves creatively and enjoy dancing together with others. Dive into the world of kids dancing and see how your little ones become little dance stars full of enthusiasm!

Attendance is free of charge. Feel free to drop by spontaneously, but we would also like a non-binding (!) Thank you for signing up. Be there and let your kids discover their passion for dancing! 💃

Please register without obligation at: feiern@gleisgarten.com

Our kids dance takes place as part of the WienXtra children's activity program. You can find more details here!

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