
Eltern-Stammtisch: Elternwerkstatt

Spannender Austausch

Zum Event Anmelden

To the regulars' table:

In addition to cozy get-togethers, everything today revolves around: Play correctly

You can simply drop by the regulars' table. However, we would like a non-binding (!) Thank you for signing up.
You are also welcome to announce which topics you would be interested in in particular.

Non-binding registration at: feiern@gleisgarten.com

About the hosts:

The parents' workshop is dedicated in particular to parent education and support in the event of separation/divorce. The association is a private, independent and non-profit association (NGO) serving children, parents and teachers.

web page: https://elternwerkstatt.at/

Zum Event Anmelden
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