
Interior Kinderbasteln - abgesagt! 🚨

Bastelspaß für Kinder - lasst uns gemeinsam kreativ werden! 🎨

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Design your dream children's room with recycled material in the Gleis//Garten!

Would you like to design your very own dream children's room? In my free craft workshop, we get creative together and craft with things you already have at home. From old boxes to scraps of fabric to empty yogurt cups — we turn apparent trash into real treasures!

I'm Julia Schlechta, a passionate interior designer, and I'm looking forward to showing you how to create great decor and furniture for your room from recycled materials. With imagination and fun, we will create a unique children's room that is just as individual as you are!

Bring your ideas, recycled materials from your household (yogurt cups, tetra packs, toilet paper rolls, etc.) and lots of fun — we let creativity run wild!

When: 22/10 & 17/12 at 4 p.m.

Duration: 2h

Feel free to sign up using the following link, or drop by spontaneously. Please include your name, age and date:


I'm looking forward to crafting and designing with you!

Your Julia from WohnMoglich


P.S.: There is also 20% off drinks for the little ones!

Attendance is free!

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