
Workshop: Spachtelmalerei mit kurtzlii

Entfessle deine Kreativität mit Spachtel & Farbe!

Zum Event Anmelden

spatula painting 👨 ‍ 🎨

Thursday 16.01.2025

Unleash your creativity with spatula and paint — create works of art full of structure and expression!

In this workshop, you will experience the fascinating combination of acrylic paints and putty techniques to create works of art that are convincing both in color and in structure. With spatulas, pastes and various painting techniques, you dive into the world of abstract design and let your creativity run wild.

You don't need any previous knowledge — just a desire to be creative!

What to expect:

• Texturing techniques: combine spatula, acrylic, and textures for vivid works of art

• Creative freedom: Let yourself be intuitively guided by colors and shapes

• Guidance: Andrea supports you every step of the way.

• Unique results: Create fascinating works of depth and dimension.

Workshop details:

site: Gleis//Garten, Eichenstraße 2, 1120 Vienna

time: 18:00 - 19:30

expenses: 65€ incl. 15€ voucher for food & drinks

materials: Everything is provided — canvas, acrylic paints, textured materials, etc.

signup: by e-mail (places limited) or with the QR code immediately for payment)

Questions? kurtzlii.artwork@gmail.com

Instagram: @kurtzlii

Site: andreakurtz.com

Let's get creative!

kurtz lii

Zum Event Anmelden
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