
Lilarum - Bilderbuchkino 🐦‍⬛

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Koko and the White Bird (2+) 🐦

Dear children, dear families,

This time we can show you “Koko and the White Bird.” Although Koko cannot find a flower for his girlfriend Kiri in the vast dreamland, he meets a hare with an alarm on his back, a flute-playing dog with a turban on his head and a white bird, which he frees from the clutches of a grumpy, purple lizard. As a thank you, the bird has a flowery surprise in store for Koko and Kiri.

Ann-Kathrin Brener reads from Erwin Moser's book, and the illustrations as well as photos and music from the LILARUM puppet theatre play are projected onto the screen.

Admission is free for young and old! ☂️

The program is part of the WienXtra children's activity program. You can find more details here!

You are still welcome to secure a place here!
More from Lilarum here!

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