ab 11 Uhr

Internationaler Tag des Bieres

Let's toast! 🍻

Zum Event Anmelden

Dear beer lovers and friends of good taste,

We cordially invite you to join us on International Beer Day to celebrate! This special day is dedicated to the globally popular drink and offers the perfect opportunity to taste various types of beer from our in-house brewery Vienna KRAFT!

What can you expect:

🍺 Variety of beer: Taste a selection of beers from different countries and discover new taste experiences.

🍺 Free brewery tours (Registration at Info Point places limited)

17:00 | 18:00

🍺 Beer tasting workshop

19:00 | 20:00

🍺 Live music with Laura Heily


🍺Share beer moments

🍺Ring & Hook in the garden

Free admission!

Cheers and see you soon!

Zum Event Anmelden
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